Friday, December 5, 2008


For those of you that don't know...I could eat cilantro for breakfast,
lunch, and dinner.

I saw a particular blog about someone comparing themself to a spice and how other spices are often jealous of this spice, want to be this spice, and this spice isn't for everyone. I am here to prove that my herb would take out that spice in a food fight. As you can see above, I am much like that as a particular herb.

Please bare with me as I compare cilantro to myself.

Cilantro is a soft, hairless plant. I too, am soft and hairless.

Uses: it's commonly used in Africa, Middle East, South Asia, Latin America, India, Mexico. I too have been used by all of those ethnicities.

Some people may perceive the taste of cilantro as "unpleasant". I too am, at times, unpleasant. But those that give me more than a chance see that they cannot live without me and i just add flavor.

The leaves disappeared for a period of time, I too disappear for periods of time.

For optimum flavor cilantro leaves should be placed away from sunlight, heat, and sealed in a tight container.

Sometimes you should lock me in a tight container away from the sun so that when i get out i have my full flavor.

Oh how I just LOVE cilantro and how people just wish they could get enough cilantro and people CRAVE cilantro. People in the cafe rio line screaming "MORE CILANTRO!!" "EXTRA CILANTRO!!" "No chips, no guac, no cheese, JUST CILANTRO!"

I'm SO cilantro.


Spring said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA frick me i'm in love with you

Meganps said...

hahahahahahahaha my favorite blog in the ENTIRE world. i am so jealous you got to write it.

janica said...

We WERE really bored yesterday at work. I didnt even know you were writing a blog post about cilantro. i too LOVE LOVE LOVE cilantro. hilarious post.