Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You've got 30 minutes

Sunday at church I sat myself in the third row back and about three people's width in. I was sitting by no one. When this kid Adam came in and sat by me...only about two feet away because any closer would have been like he did it intentionally. Adam is the heart throb of the ward, or the silver fox, if you will.

Adam has pretended not to know me in the past so I simply smiled and acted as though we had crossed paths for the first time. I gave him the no teeth smile and head nod.

Priesthood and Relief Society were combined that day in the chapel so I sat in that spot for the whole three hours, Adam left me during Sunday School to go sit in the back row, which caused great concern in my mind. Then came back and sat by me for the last hour. He even offered me his suit coat as he could see I was going into a state of hypothermia. I then thought that maybe we could have a friendship after all. I gave him his coat back at the end and he asked if it kept me warm, I said yes. He said, good because he had been freezing the whole hour.

So, the "lesson" we had during the last block was the bishopric all sat up front and answered questions that people had written and put in a basket during the last few weeks. Being a singles ward, I wouldn't have expected anything more deep than "is it ok for girls to ask guys out?". I think after an hour of being taught how to find our eternal companion, Adam felt a deep obligation to ask any random girl on a date.

We chatted briefly about work, learned that we both are slightly anti-social, and he has a cat. We then proceeded to walk outside where he asked what my work schedule was like. I told him that I worked late every night except for Tuesdays and Fridays I only work until 8. The conversation then went like this:

Him: Ok so after 8 on Tuesday we'll go get ice cream.
Me: (was that a statement?) I have tithing settlement at 8:30 so after that...
Him: I'll go sign up for a time then we can just meet here. See ya.
Me (in an awful state of bewilderment): Ok......

So Adam then goes inside where James asks him if he did the deed. Adam asks James if he saw him pull out his phone, James says no. Adam says then there's your answer.
What the.

I get to the church on Tuesday and when I'm done with settlement, I walk out of the bishops office, relieved to see Adam still there due to the fact that I wasn't sure if Sunday had really happened or not. I then stand there awkwardly waiting for Adam to show any indication that we are actually going to go out. He stands up says "see ya" to James and the bishop and starts walking away. Or, sprinting, if you will. I took that as my cue and scurried along after him. He then asked if I wanted hot chocolate or Ice cream, this was the only point during the last two days that I actually knew we were indeed going to go somewhere together.

We went to Starbucks and got hot chocolate around 8:45. James texted me at 9 saying that if we aren't done too late to see if he was still at the church and tell him how it went. By 9:15 I was back at the church. When I was getting out of Adam's car he asked for a side hug, since we were still in the car, told me thank you, and said he will see me in a few weeks at church.

He gave me no expectations for any sort of date....or the future. Yet, I feel no sense of rejection. I think I just got out gamed.