Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Did not see this coming.

So today was kind of a long day at work. It just was dragging on and on. Then the best thing to ever happen...I had to scorekeep FOR THREE HOURS! I was incredibly annoyed. Because first off, I had to help this girl that doesn't actually pay attention so I would have done a better job if I had been doing it alone. It was so boring. I told the girl that if I fell asleep to just not bother waking me up. I actually was so bored that I started doing a play by play of everything happening. She didn't think it was as amusing as I did. My favorite play by play was this.....

"He shoots, he misses, number 21 gets it....he scores!...Black has the white! number 32 shoots...he misses....11 gets the rebound! They're running.....AND THAT GUY GOES THROUGH THE WINDOW!!!"

then it went a lot like this....

"holy Sh** holy sh** oh my, holy sh**oh no what do we do? holy sh**"

yeah, a guy kinda jumped and was kinda pushed through the window! It was a bloody mess.

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