Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Yesterday I dragged one of my friends to a fitness class (and by friend I mean she is my visiting teacher but we developed a friendship because of visiting teaching, I always wanted to be friends with her but this way it forced her to be my friend. This is not my testimony of visiting teaching this is a mere coincidence that worked out to two women's benefit). Ok, I didn't really drag...she invited me to yoga as our monthly gathering and I said well...there's this class I want to go to at my work so we went to it instead. I just didn't tell her exactly what it was.

Hope she wasn't planning on

On our way there she asked what it was like I said "it's just some cardio and some weights". When we got there her first statement was...we use those during this class? I then told her the truth, this class will entirely beat the living daylights out of you and if your dinner starts burning in your throat you are allowed to stop for a second.

The class is hard and it's one where you are constantly going and you do not get a break. If you feel the need to throw up/faint/or just get a drink; you're allowed to but the class doesn't stop, it's a full hour of pain and agony, but it's the kind of pain and agony that you will voluntarily go and even pay for because you know how beneficial it is. And as you go along the instructor will help you keep your form and explain to you why exactly you are doing what you're doing the way you are doing it. So you know why you're doing it and even though it kills at an unreal amount; you keep trudging because at some point you will be able to do even more and that is what you want.

At the end of class a lady stated that somehow the class never gets easier and that you know you are getting stronger, but that just means that you can handle more. And more is definitely required.

On our way home VT brought up a good point...that class is exactly what life is like. We all volunteered to come to a place where you go and go and go and you look at all that you have conquered and you think how on earth did I do that? And how on earth can I do anything more challenging? And somehow you do it. You go in to so many things not knowing if it's going to be like yoga or if it's a boot camp. But you have an instructor telling you why you're doing it and so you just do it. Because you see so much potential in the future despite the pain of right that second.

Very true. Visiting teaching was a success.

1 comment:

Kelsey M. said...

what a fantastic analogy! thats precisely what i needed to hear today, so thank you.
p.s. this class sounds intense and after reading this i am second guessing my plan to take it post-preg.
....we shall see how desperate i get.