Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I have a handful of pet peeves, a lot of them are small things like tape left on windows, smudges on the computer screen, Hollister, or when a rug is slightly curled at the corner.

I decided my biggest ones are people complaining over issues they can solve and when people act like they are above you because they don't drink soda or they don't watch tv.
I highly dislike hearing the following statements: "oh, I don't have time for television" or "soda is soooo bad for you", yeah well so is slouching and find me someone that doesn't do that .

First of all, I understand that life is busy and sometimes it takes me a couple of days to get through an episode of Modern Family. However, I do not feel as though my life has gone to waste because on Thursday nights after babysitting, working, going to school, and going to the gym (sometimes) I sit down and plop in front of the tv for an hour or two of straight humor. But there are a few people out there that if you ask if they like whatever show they say "I don't watch tv" or "Who has time for tv?". It wouldn't bother me so much if they didn't have an elitist tone when they said it. I'm sorry, but if I can find time to watch tv and most full time employee, full time students, and parents that I know can find time-then anyone can find time. You're not fooling anyone, we know you just want to sound like a hipster but deep down you hate that you can't quote 30 rock...I know, I've been there.

Secondly, soda. You don't have to like it. Not everyone loves carbonation and some people find their guilty pleasures elsewhere. It's the over exaggeration of the word hate when expressing how you feel about it. Really, you hate it? Like the feeling I have towards gang members is the same way you feel about bubbly drinks with aspartame? Highly Doubt it.

Lastly, complaining about a solvable problem. I don't mind people venting, at all. All of us need to do it, clearly that is what is happening right now. It's the complaining about issues that you have control over.
What are considered valid complaints? Hunger while at work, cramps, homework, being tired, being cold, gnats in your salad, and having to pee during a meeting.
What is not valid? Complaining about not having a boyfriend/girlfriend but when someone suggests someone you could ask out your response is "yeah but he/she is too (fat, skinny, tall, short, blonde, brunette, red head, pasty, fake bakes, outgoing, shy, etc)."
Then why are you complaining? If I thought that no one was good enough for me, I would not be complaining. I would kill to be that awesome.


Spring said...

I have so many things to say. First off, AMEN. Thank heavens for this post. I was actually just thinking of writing a post about my pet peeves, but now I'm not going to cuz I just got my satisfaction from yours. Who has time for tv anymore? Who doesn't... what do they do with their time? Knit? Because you can do that while you watch tv. Also, your small pet peeves, those are mine too! of course, because we are the same person. You know when you are down the mall and you can just smell Hollister and you are just envisioning those spikey haired guys in there stocking up on the same five shirts which they will then alternate every day for the next two months until they save enough money to buy another five? How about when you trip over the rug that is curled at the corner and then you are extra peeved cuz it is your pet peeve? Now that I ha ve had a spaz, greatttt post :) Your blog is hilarious and it makes my day.

rachel said...

This post makes my DAY!!!! (said by the slob who is prepping for the Top Model finale as we speak) May I just say, I don't drink soda. I've looked into the health reasons, etc and they are creepy BUT I still love Diet Coke and Diet Dr Pepper. I don't drink soda because it makes me break out something fierce! Oh how I miss my carbonation :( Somedays when water just doesn't cut it, I throw caution to the wind and indulge. And then the 1 hot guy in my ward sits next to me when my face freaks out and punishes me for my decision.

You're rad.

Kelsey M. said...

bahaha i love that you said hollister is one of your peeves. amen. and i LOVE this post, as i pretty much ALWAYS love your posts. the tv thing drives me nuts. the soda thing drives me even MORE nuts. this happened to me just last week! i was scolded by my very own aunt about drinking diet coke while i'm pregnant. and then she went on and on the ENTIRE night about how bad it is for you, etc etc. i finally left, went to zupas, and got a diet coke. then i felt better. hahaha. i tried to tell her i can have limited amounts but she basically made me feel like a bad mom already. she probably meant well but ya know. i wanted to go print off all of the facts and hand her the books that prove some caffeine is allowed during pregnancy. ha. anyways, amen to this post and thank you for posting it.

Joel said...

Not bad at all. In fact I can't to get a soda and watch some awesome tv. After working all day and going to school all night trying to learn. Nothing beats taking a break from life and watching some tv. Couldn't agree more Amber.