"I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite."
-CK Chesterton
I've never heard of him (him?) but I sure love the quote.
-CK Chesterton
I've never heard of him (him?) but I sure love the quote.
I have started to find that other people's advice is not always a bad thing. Some people know what they are talking about and some have experience in the matter of which I need advice.
However, some do not. Some people have very different experiences and have lived very different lives than mine. I rarely give people advice because I am a very circumstantial person. (I'm not sure if I used that word in the right context) what I mean is that I think everyone has a different situation and different story and what I would do in a situation is different than what they would or should do. So really my advice is no good unless I have been there...or I'm giving the advice to myself, even then it's questionable.
No one's family life is the same. No one's dating life is the same. Everyone has different goals, dreams, and aspirations. We may all see fit that we end up in the same place but not very many of us will get there by taking the same route.
That being said, unless we know why we are saying what we are saying, sometimes our personal wisdom really isn't that necessary to share with someone when we don't know them on a personal level.
I'm not saying advice is bad. Advice is meant to be shared. As long as you can differentiate between good advice and strong opinion.
i love this. i love it very much. and that's all i have to say about it haha.
SO good! I totally agree! (I just wish I would have said it first) ;)
very good blog sis. i agree. what's with people and their strong opinions? remember that boy who told you going on a date with a non-member was unacceptable? ugh.
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