Monday, September 20, 2010


In the movie 500 Days of Summer there is a part where Tom (who is in love with Summer, who is not particularly in love with Tom) goes to a party that Summer invited him to. The screen splits into two and there it shows Tom's reality and Tom's expectations. Tom plans on going and having him and Summer talk the night away and probably even dance some, it shows them having intimate conversation in a corner away from everyone else. The reality was, though, that he had been invited to Summer's engagement party, she was not engaged to Tom if that's what you are asking. He is devastated and it is really sad.

Everyday we go into it knowing what to expect and what is expected of us. I know what is expected of me as an employee, a student, and a sister/babysitter/aunt/friend. Although I don't always reach my expectations and I rarely will exceed them, I know what they are and I try to obtain them.

Of course there is a particular thing that occasionally happens that I no longer can even fathom any portion of what to expect or what is expected of me. It's called social interaction with the male gender. It does not matter who it is or what they are like, for one reason or another, it will not go as planned. I typically know what to expect from different guys, All you have to know is the stereotype of what brand of pants they are wearing and how they do their hair.

I came across a really nice boy not too long ago. He is nice and he is funny and he's one of those boys that you see and all of the sudden you turn on your obnoxious charm button and try to work it the best you can. It doesn't take this boy very long to talk to you, invite you over for a movie, and text you at random times during the week. The texting continues. And that is all.

Then there is another type of expectations, the one you have once you already have the date in the bag. I recently was put in a situation where I had high expectations. I remember thinking something along the lines of"optimistic". I wouldn't ever say that word out loud, mind you.

To give you a brief synopsis of what happened (and an explanation of the blog title) on Friday night I went out with this boy that was quite charming. We had been talking all week and a lot of excitement was expressed for Friday to come. On Friday we talked about things we look for in a relationship and what we expect of the person we are dating. It was good conversation and a really good time. I thought going to the park, afterward, was safe until I was told by my date that he was an "all or nothing" kind of guy. Ahem. If you don't know what that means I'm sure he would gladly explain it for you, as he did me. He even told me I shouldn't pull the religion card after I told him I won't allow him to drag me to hell with him (dramatic but it stung him a little). Did I mention we met at church? After some conversation had taken place I sat on this blanket staring at the sky and all I could see was two different screens. One titled "reality" and one titled "expectations". The rest of my night was narrated by a somewhat mocking voice talking about the two poor suckers that went into the night expecting totally opposite things to take place.

I generally know what to expect when I have a date. I know what my feelings are before I go out with the guy and it's rare that a date is going to change my mind. But after all is said and done and I repeatedly say "but maybe this guy really is different" I finally have come to terms with what guys really expect from me.

They want to be my text friend or they want to be my sex friend.

How flattering.


Tyson and Taylor Beaman said...

wow, boys...way to go for standing up to him.

Meganps said...

i'm so happy you blogged about this. and quite tactfully, i think. you could have been much more crass and harsh. well done. on many occasions.

Tyler and Megan said...

best worst story ever.
You are AWESOME.
Kudos. Warrior princess.