In the morning before I pour a bowl of cereal, I always taste each kind before I can choose which one I want to eat.
I'm not good at making decisions. I don't really like to for several reasons. One reason is because the decision could be too big and could alter my life. Other reasons are because all options sound appealing or because I'm afraid that whoever I am with doesn't like what I chose. Either way, I'm not going to decide.
A perfect example is when I was taking a personality test and I had narrowed down the answer to two: indecisive or something I can't remember. I asked everyone "Do you guys think I'm indecisive or (other one)" They all started laughing and said "I think you have your answer".
It got to the point that I could never decide between cheesecake with raspberry ice cream or red velvet with brownies-from Maggie Moo's-that I just started combining all of those together. So far, that's been my best decision yet.
On Sunday my bishop was talking to us about how the decisions we make right now in our lives (us meaning the young single adults) are the ones that will effect us the most. We choose what to study in school and where to go to school, we choose who we want to date and/or marry, we choose where we want to work, everything we are doing RIGHT NOW will literally change our lives. I feel enough anxiety at 8:00 on the morning wondering if honey bunches of oats really was what I should have eaten. How on earth am I to be expected to decide a future life?
There is nothing worse than knowing when there is no right or wrong choice. There is choice A, B, C, D, etc. And quite frankly, they all could be good. One might be better than another for whatever reason but really-in the end it gets you to the same place. Just with different experiences and people.
Answers don't seem to come to me as easy as they do to other people. So many people always talk about how they just
knew that something was what they were supposed to do. It's clear when I am not supposed to do something but when it comes to what I should do, I feel I'm entirely on my own. I loved what the 2nd counselor in my bishopric said about his wife, he said he kept praying to know that she was the right one and he never got that answer. But he did get the answer that she was not the wrong one, so the rest is history.
I don't know what I should be studying or where I should be studying. I don't know which guy is the one I should pursue more than the next or what I should wear tomorrow. I am not sure how much it even matters, anymore. But what I do know is that even if I feel like I'm not being directed into a particular direction, I know that I will never be led astray and that I will be given the best life for me, as long as I give my best in return.