Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Boys Toy

You know those days where something really great is supposed to happen but the half empty side of you says it's not going to?
I had that day Sunday.

Much to my opposite of dismay at 3:42 I got a text asking when I could come over. Someone's life was spared.

I went over to (we will call him "Jeremy") Jeremy's and we ate some salmon (insert nine hearts for how much I love salmon) and then we went on a motorcycle ride. I have never been on a motorcycle before. The only thing more fun than that, is being yanked behind the back of a boat on a giant banana.

We went up Provo Canyon and drove around a small town, not quite Raymond status but still a great little place, called Wallsburg. I tried to play it cool when he kept asking if I was having fun and stating how much he loves small town life. I would give him an "oh yeah" or "yeah this is sweet". What I was thinking as to what I was saying were pretty different. I wanted to say "My only dream in life is to live on a farm and it seems as though we have similar aspirations so why don't we stay here and never go back to real life?". I enjoy Jeremy's company enough to keep my thoughts to myself. So my simple head nods and one word answers would suffice.

Then we went and drove around Jordanelle. It was the most beautiful night to be out. I don't like to use that word to describe things other than food and my beautiful ankles, so I hope you guys realize just how pretty the whole drive was without me having to overly emphasize.

I caught a small glimpse of what Heaven is like. Sun going down behind the mountains and reflecting on the lake. Not too cold, not too hot, and a stomach full of fish.

Everything was as perfect as Jeremy's pearly white teethed face, with aviators and a bandanna on.

1 comment:

Meganps said...

i am against bandanna wearers.

thanks mom for the beautiful ankles.

am i the only one that sees the irony in you thinking it's beautiful to have a belly full of fish while circling a lake? i mean really.