Saturday, April 17, 2010

Two good things came out of Germany, the first is their pancakes.

I officially have a favorite dog. I have spent YEARS trying to sort through the many breeds I like, trying to find the ideal. The winner is a German Short Haired Pointer. Dogs 101 on Animal Planet really convinced me. I never paid a lot of attention to pointers for some reason and then I started watching animal planet a while ago and I was in awe. Then they replayed the episode a while later, and I was in awe again. Then I saw another show with one and I was envying everyone and their dog, in such a literal sense. They are a mixture of what I have always wanted in so many different breeds. They have perfect fur length, high energy, great temperament, great health, and Oh my gosh look at that face. I'm about to jump into the picture and go hang out on that dock with him. That is perfection in a fur coat. Check out the paws too.
Oh man.

If I had one of these..

I would never ask for anything else, ever again.

Seriously, you can quote me on that.

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