Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Reasons, like seasons, they constantly change.

I was going to go back to Wisconsin for the summer. I was really excited about it. I then found out that Heather, a girl I work with, was quitting. She was offered a promotion at her other job that she couldn't turn down. That would have left The Factory in a slight bind. So Dustin, the boss man, sent me an email asking if he gave me a raise if I would stay here, he also is being really generous with giving me time off to see my family throughout the summer. I felt like I could not turn that down. I guess this is where I am supposed to be. Even though somedays I want nothing more than to hang out with my parents and to go to my little brothers baseball games, I know that there is a reason I should stay here. I don't have a clue what it is because if I really were to elaborate on my crazy life as of now...or the last year and a half..I'm sure a few would advise me to go home and never look back. But I will say, I have beyond amazing friends out here...I don't think they are aware of how great they really are, I live with a wonderful family that has helped me out more than they know, I have a spectacular sister that I love so much, a nephew that makes me think I like children because he is so adorable, a great ward that reaches out to me constantly, and a really great job. Oh! and I have insurance now! So, the pros of staying here outway the cons and I wouldn't be a Christensen if the second I made a plan, something came along to change those plans. But all I can say is, I am so blessed to the point I feel like I don't even deserve it. But I will definitely not complain!


Meganps said...

yay for staying here! maybe your reason is to keep my sane! and i'm happy that you feel blessed. and i SO badly want to hang out with the 'rents and watch some baseball. i crave it.

Kaitlyn Flanagan said...

You have no idea how incredibly excited I am about you staying here! You're getting the best of both worlds! A raise and still getting to go home for a while! What a great deal. And you totally deserve it so don't say you don't.