Tuesday, June 22, 2010

lofty ambitions

I found one of my old friends blogs the other day and she has a list of 22 things she wants to accomplish by 22. I have given what things I would like to accomplish, a lot of thought because when someone asked me what my goals were the other day all I could come up with was "I really want to ride the stratosphere in Las Vegas."

Then yesterday in church the guy that isn't really hot but the way he presents himself forces you to think so, was talking to me about sky diving because it once was a topic of discussion and we were the only ones seriously wanting to. He asked if I was serious and I said yes and then he said cool, it starts next month and is $1500 then only $20 a jump after that. I somehow spit out the words "that's worth it". What I meant to say was "that's worth it when I have a spare $1500 and I'm not saying what you want to hear because I want you to think I'm awesome." It's a good goal but maybe one that I should hold off on.

I figured out it's really hard to have goals when you only see as far as two days in advance. When I moved out to Utah and started college I said I would spend two years at UVU then move on to BYU or possibly somewhere else, just as good. Clearly that wasn't going to happen so I set a better goal of kissing 20 boys by age 20. Success.

I wish I would have thought of this goal making thing at the beginning of the year (or beginning of my life), but June is good enough. Summer puts me in a more rational state of mind anyway. I have six months to come up with 22 things that I would like/need to accomplish. Maybe I'll see if I can double my number #20 by age 22. Just kidding, Dad.

I'll start with numbers one and two:

1. Ride the stratosphere
2. live through it

Here's to the next twenty...goals, that is.


Tyson and Taylor Beaman said...

What a great start! haha love your blogs, they always make me laugh

Meganps said...

LOLZZ. That was a funny blog. I'll help you with some goals.

#3 - hang glide off of south mountain with me.

#4 - skinny dip in a public pool

#5 - read an entire novel. doesn't have to be a classic, just a novel.

there see, 5 down...who knows how many to go

Kelsey M. said...

haha i love this. i especially love your 20 by 20 thing. its great. i've always wanted to ride the statosphere too.