Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A little newsletter from me to you, you.

This has been quite the year if i do say so myself.


The very first day was the end of an era. I won't specify which era but it was the end and a good end at that. It brought to pass this year with a bang. The second day of January I moved into a beautiful apartment just steps away from campus. I have this thing where my chi is very connceted to those chi of different cultures than I. I was now living with an asian and an ethiopian and two very angry girls that have been prosperous in their eating habits.


A very boring month if I do say so myself. I went to Chili's with Tayler on valentine's day and we watched as gay men enjoyed each others company. While we ate our paradise pie and pittied ourselves. I purchased Amelia as well. that is all i can recollect.


This month was divine. I started and ended a relationship with a boy that was strictly based on vanity. Then I went to Moab with my BEST FRIENDS EVER!! I loved those people ever so much that I then started a relationship with one of them. He was aspiring to be a fisherman in Alaska. I also got a haircut this month. She misunderstood shoulder length for chin length...and layers for slaughtering. My hair is just now starting to forgive me, almost ten months later.


This month was full of boyfriend, boyfriend, and more boyfriend. I couldn't have loved life any more than I did that entire month. We went fourwheeling and I even rode a horse.


I randomly decided that maybe I didn't want to live in Alaska when I grew up and maybe I would like to be single and admit that maybe I liked fourwheelers more than my actual boyfriend. Poor him. I then moved from the apartment that had officially been taken over by asians into a newer apartment. It was, instead, full of motherly love. My roommate was 45 and kickin it old school.


Kate moved into my saver! She introduced me to a few new people and country dancing. If there is anything I hate more than raisins, it's dancing. I forgave her. Then Gina moved out here! couldn't have been better. Life was good again.


July seems to have started yet another era. An era whera I learned that if you don't like 'em, leave 'em. Gina, so and so, and I decided to go to Las Vegas. Why when gas is $4 a gallon would people venture off to do such a thing? Because we are free, and we can. Well so and so had a hard time wtih Gina and I apparently a year prior to this so she decided to take out all her aggression and go for a long drive....back home. Thank you James for being so devoted to Gina that you would come to our rescue. Sorry about your car breaking down.
Oh, the Iranians. Bless their hearts.
#17, #18


Tyler and Katy got married, finally! I spent two solid weeks in Wisconsin doing absolutely nothing but play guitar hero. Then school started...oh school. Your very existence makes me want to choke. This is the month where it all started with the ukulele. Everywhere I have gone there has been someone playing a ukulele in the background. Whether its work, school, the grocery store..what have you. someone is playing it.


A month I vaguely remember. I finally reached the point in life I had much anticipted. the big 2-0. Not in age but an amount of how many different people a certain event could take place with. He was a professional baseball wait....his dad was really wait.......his brother was a professional basketball player....yeah thats it.....oh wait....there's more.....oh....he was 32, divorced, and a felon. That's right!...number 20. That is success.
The ukulele still has not quit.


Lucas was born!! I actually lived at Megan's at this point and my family came to visit! I very much love that little boy! Still some ukulele, can't quite figure out the significance of it. It must be that...they....are watching.


thank yu for this month. Kaitlyn and I decided to move into a new apartment. This was the best decision I have ever made. It was the cutest most private, just like new, apartment. Well, kinda private, kinda shared with the people that live above (not to be confused with actual landlords). We then proceeded to move out. We needed a little more ukulele this month.


I reached the real 2-0. I moved into the Flanagans and have proceeded to live there this whole time. I don't even recall sleeping at Megan's once! I think December has been the best month so far. It's been a lot of fun and gone by very fast. I can't believe Christmas is tomorrow and I go home the day after! It's simply been bliss. Knock on Wood. I can only imagine what 2009 can bring, maybe a 21?? I will continue this next year trying to figure out the significance of someone walking around playing a ukulele. I think I know the meaning but I would prefer not to speak too soon.


Spring said...

I really enjoyed every minute of this

Kaitlyn Flanagan said...

I have a feeling number 21 is coming faster than you think. Ha. Really enjoyed November and December...mainly because I am mentioned.